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The Quran Compiled by Imam Ali (AS)
There is no dispute among Muslim scholars,
whether they are Sunni or Shia,
concerning the fact that the Commander of Believers,
Ali (AS), possessed a
special transcript of the text of Quran
which he had collected himself, and
he was THE FIRST who compiled Quran.
There are a great number of traditions
from Sunni and Shia which states that after the
death of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH&HF), Imam Ali sat down in his
house and said that he had sworn an
oath that he would not put on his outdoor
clothes or leave his house until
he collects together the Quran.
Sunni references:
- Fat'hul Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari,
by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, v10,
- al-fihrist, by (Ibn) an-Nadim, p30
- al-Itqan, by al-Suyuti, v1, p165
- al-Masahif, by Ibn Abi Dawud, p10
- Hilyatul awliya', by Abu Nu'aym, v1, p67
- al-Sahibi, by Ibn Faris, p79
- 'Umdatul Qari, by al-Ayni, v20, p16
- Kanzul Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, v15, pp 112-113
- al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 9, Section 4, p197
- Ma'rifat al-Qurra' al-kibar, by al-Dhahabi, v1, p31
There are also traditions from
the Imams of Ahlul Bayt which tell us that
this was done by Imam Ali by order of the
Holy Prophet (See al-Bihar, v92,
pp 40-41,48,51-52).
This transcript of Quran which compiled
by Imam Ali (AS) had the following
unique specifications:
a) It was collected according to
its revelation, i.e., in the order in
which it had been sent down.
This is the reason that Muhammad Ibn Sireen
(33/653 - 110/729), the
famous scholar and Tabi'i (disciples of the
companions of the Holy Prophet), regretted
that this transcript had not
passed into the hands of the Muslims, and said:
"If that transcript were in
our hands, we would found a great knowledge in it."
Sunni References:
- at-Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p101
- Ansab al-ashraf, by al-Baladhuri, v1, p587
- al-Istiab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, v3, pp 973-974
- Sharh Ibn Abi al-Hadid, v6, pp 40-41
- al-Tas'hil, by Ibn Juzzi al-Kalbi, v1, p4
- al-Itqan, by al-Suyuti, v1, p166
- al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah,
by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 9, Section 4, p197
- Ma'rifat al-Qurra' al-kibar, by al-Dhahabi, v1, p32
It is according to this transcript
that Sunni scholars relate that the
first Chapter of Quran which was sent
down to the Prophet (PBUH&HF) was
Chapter al-Iqra (al-Alaq, Ch. 96).
Sunni References:
- al-Burhan, by al-Zarkashi, v1, p259
- al-Itqan, by al-Suyuti, v1, p202
- Fathul Bari, by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, v10, p417
- Irshad al-sari, by al-Qastalani, v7, p454
As you know the Chapter al-Alaq
is not at the beginning of the present
Quran. Also Muslims agree that the verse
(5:3) was among one of the
last revealed verses of Quran (but not the very last one), yet it is not
toward the end of the present Quran. This clearly proves that although
the Quran that we have available is complete, it is not in the order
that has been revealed. These few misplacements were done by some
companions on purpose at worst,
or out of ignorance at least.
It was for this reason that the Commander of
Believers, Ali (AS) frequently
stated in his sermons: "Ask me before you lose me.
By Allah, if you ask me
about anything that could happen up to the Day of
Judgment, I will tell you
about it. Ask me, for, by Allah,
you will not be able to ask me a question
about anything without my informing you.
Ask me about the Book of Allah,
for by Allah, there is no verse about
which I do not know whether it was
sent down at night or during the day, or
whether it was revealed on a plain
or in a mountain."
Sunni References:
- al-Riyadh al-Nadhirah, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, v2, p198
- at-Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p101
- al-Isabah, by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, v4, p568
- Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, v7, pp 337-338
- Fathul Bari, by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, v8, p485
- al-Istiab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, v3, p1107
- Tarikh al-Khulafa, by al-Suyuti, p124
- al-Itqan, by al-Suyuti, v2, p319
b) This transcript contained commentary
and hermeneutic interpretation
(Tafsir and Ta'wil) from the
Holy Prophet some of which had been sent down
as revelation but NOT as a part of the text of Quran.
A small amount of
such texts can be found in some
traditions in Usul al-Kafi. These pieces of
information were the Divine commentary of
the text of Quran which were
revealed along with Quranic verses. Thus the
commentary verses and Quranic
verses could sum up to 17000 verses.
As Sunnis know, Hadith al-Qudsi (the
Hadith in which the speaker is Allah)
is also direct revelation, but they
are not a part of Quran. In fact Quran
testifies that anything that Prophet
said was (either direct or indirect)
revelation (See Quran 53:3-4). The
direct revelation includes the
/commentary of the Quran.
In addition, this unique transcript
contained the information from the Holy
Prophet about which verse was abrogated and
abrogating, which
verse was clear (Muhkam) and which was
ambiguous (Mutashabih), which verse
was general and which was specific.
c) This unique transcript also contained
references to the persons, places
etc., about which the verses were revealed,
what is called "Asbab al-
Nuzul". Since the Commander of Believers was
aware of these facts, he
frequently said: "By Allah, no
verse has been sent down without my knowing
about whom or what it was revealed and where it
was revealed. My Lord has
gifted me with a mind which has a quick and
retaining understanding, and a
tongue which speaks eloquently."
Sunni References:
- Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu'aym, v1, pp 67-68
- at-Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p101
- Kanzul Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, v15, p113
- al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 9,
Section 4, p197
After he compiled this transcript,
Imam Ali (AS) took it and presented it
to the rulers who came after the
Holy Prophet, and said: "Here is the book
of Allah, your Lord, in the order that
was revealed to your Prophet."
but they did not accept it and replied:
"We have no need of this. We have
with us what you possess." Thereupon,
Imam Ali (AS) took the transcript
back and informed them that they will
never see it again. It is reported
that Imam Ali recited the latter
part of the following verse of Quran:
"And when Allah took a Covenant
from the People of the Book to
clarify it to mankind and not to
hide its (clarification); but
they threw it away behind their
backs and purchased with it some
miserable gain! and what an
evil was the bargain they made!"
(Quran 3:187)
By "its clarification",
Imam Ali meant the unique divine commentaries.
The Commander of Believers then concealed
that transcript, and after him it
was passed to the Imams who also kept it concealed.
It remained concealed
with the Imams, one after the other to
this day, because they wished to be
only one sequence of Quran among the Muslims.
Because otherwise if people
have had two different sequences, it
might later result to some alteration
in Quran by some sick-minded people.
They wished people have strictly one
sequence of Quran. The Quran and its
commentary which were collected by
Imam Ali (AS) is not available for any Shia in
the world except to the Imam
Mahdi (AS). If the transcript of the
Commander of Believers had been
accepted, that would have been the Quran with unique
commentary in the hand
of people, but it turned out to be otherwise.
This gives the meaning of the traditions in
Usul al-Kafi which say that no
one but the Commander of Believers and the
later Imams had the Quran in the
order it was revealed, and that the Quran
which they had contains "what can
be understood of the heaven, etc." and "the
Knowledge of the Book, all of
it," because they were the commentaries and
interpretations noted in the
transcript of Imam Ali directly from
The Holy Prophet (PBUH&HF). Allah, to
whom belong Might and Majesty, said:
"And We have sent down on you a Book in
which is the clarification of
ALL the things." (Quran 16:89)
Sometimes the word "tahrif" is used in
some traditions, and it must be made
clear that the meaning of this word is
changing of something from its
proper place to another place, like
changing the right position of
sentence, or giving it a meaning other
than its true or intended meaning.
Therefore, it has absolutely nothing to do
with addition or subtraction
from the text. It is thus with this
meaning that the Quran states:
"Some of the Jews distort (yuharrifuna)
words from their meaning"
(Quran 4:46).
This meaning of "tahrif", i.e.,
changing of meaning or changing the
context, as it appears in the Quran,
only been applied in the
Muslim community to the verses of the
Quran but also to the ahadith of the
Holy Prophet, even by rulers who
have been prepared to use Islam to their
own personal advantage. It is this
"tahrif", with this meaning, that the
Imams of Ahlul-Bayt have constantly sought
to oppose. As one example, Imam
al-Baqir (AS) complained about the
situation of the Muslims and their
corrupt rulers, and said:
"One of the manifestations of their
rejecting the Book (of Allah
behind their backs) (see Quran 2:101)
is that they have fixed its
words. but they have altered the
limits (of its command) (harrafu
hududah). They have (correctly) narrated
it, but they do not observe
(what) it (says). Ignorant people
delight in their preservation of its
narration, but the knowledgeable
people deplore their ignoring to
observe (what) it (says)."
Shi'i references:
- al-Kafi, v8, p53
- al-Wafi, v5, p274 and v14, p214
This use of "tahrif" is taken as a
definition for the word wherever it
appears in the ahadith of the Imams,
similar to what Quran (4:46) has
It is necessary to emphasize here
that all grand scholars of the Imami Shia
are in agreement that the Quran which is
at present among the Muslims is
the very same Quran that was sent down to
The Holy Prophet, and that it has
not been altered. Nothing has been
added to it, and nothing is missing from
it. The Quran which was compiled by
Imam Ali (excluding the commentaries)
and the Quran that is in the hand of
people today, are identical in terms
of words and sentences. No word,
verse, chapter is missing. The only
difference is that the current Quran
(collected by the companions) is not
in the order that was revealed.
The completeness of Quran is so
indisputable among Shia that the great Shia
Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn al-Husain Ibn Babwayh, known as
"Shaikh Saduq" (309/919-381/991), wrote:
"Our belief is that the Quran which
to His Prophet
Muhammad is (the same as) the one
between the two covers (daffatayn).
And it is the one which is in the
hands of the people, and is not
greater in extent than that.
The number of Surahs as generally
accepted is one hundred and
fourteen...And he who asserts that we say
that it is greater in extent than that, is a liar."
Shi'i reference: Shi'ite Creed
(al-I'tiqadat al-Imamiyyah), by Shaikh
Saduq, English version, p77.
It should be noted that Shaikh Saduq (RA)
was the greatest scholars of
Hadith among the Imami Shia and
was given the name of Shaikh al-Muhaddithin
(i.e., the most eminent of the scholars of Hadith).
And since he wrote the
above in a book with the name of "The beliefs of the
Imami Shia," it is
quite impossible that there could be any
authentic Hadith in contrary to
it. It is noteworthy that Shaikh Saduq
lived at the time of minor
occultation of Imam Mahdi (AS) and he is one of
the earliest Shia scholars.
He had the honor that he was born with the
prayer of Imam Mahdi (AS).
For a more detailed discussion of
completeness of Quran as well as the
opinion of the Shia, interested readers may
look at "al-Bayan," by Abul
Qasim al-Khoei, pp 214-278.
Some ignorant opponents of the Shia
mentioned that we apply al-Taqiyya
(dissimulation) and we do not release
our actual belief on Quran. These
people never tried to understand that
Taqiyya is for the time when my life
or the life of the other fellow is in
danger. There is no need to conceal
my belief here since I am not under
prosecution. The above article is
witness to what I say. Taqiyya is not a
good excuse for these people in
front of Allah to disregard what Shia present.
They have liberty to check
the traditions which we have mentioned in
different articles, or they can
else ask their "honest" scholars to do that.
And the truth is the best to be followed...
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Friday, November 5, 2010
The Quran Compiled by Imam Ali (AS)
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